Whether you are moving to Saba or leaving the island, find all the necessary requirements here to smoothly complete your registration or de-registration process.

Registering on Saba

Requirements for Dutch Persons Born on BES Islands or Persons with Parents from the BES Islands:

  • Valid Passport: Present a valid passport.
  • Proof of Deregistration: Provide proof that you've written out of the previous location of residence (Uitschrijfbewijs).

Requirements for Non-BES Nationals:

  • Valid Passport: Present a valid passport.
  • Birth Certificate: Provide a birth certificate.
  • Proof of Deregistration: Provide proof that you've written out of the previous location of residence (Uitschrijfbewijs).
  • Proof of Address: Provide proof of your current address.
  • Residence Permit: Submit a residence permit.

Note: All persons, including minors, must be present to register. The Immigration Department (IND) handles the processing of work and residence permits. For more information, contact IND via Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland.

De-Registration on Saba

  • De-regisitration process: All individuals who are leaving or moving from Saba must de-register.
  • Saban Identification Card: Present your Saban identification card. If you no longer have your Saban ID, you may present your passport.
  • In-Person Appearance: The applicant must appear in person.
  • New Location: Provide the country in which you are moving to.

Fee: No fee required.

Change of Address (New Address)


  • Valid Identification: Present a valid Saban identification card or valid passport.

Note: Only legal guardian(s) can submit a request for a minor(s). No fee required.