Chief of Police Alwyn Braaf visits Saba

On Wednesday February 19th, the Chief of Police Alwyn Braaf of the Korps Politie Caribisch Nederland (KPCN) visited Saba and met with Island Governor Jonathan Johnson.

During this meeting, an overview based on notifications received by the KPCN last year was presented. By collecting this type of information over the years, we are moving towards the phase where it becomes possible to perform in-depth analysis of the data. This contributes to effectively taking measures for maintaining public order and safety on Saba.

Additionally, the recently published Criminaliteitsbeeldanalyse Caribisch Nederland 2020-2024 was discussed. This report gave a general overview of the nature and scope of crimes in the Caribbean Netherlands, as well as emerging trends. Information was provided on traffic violations, juvenile delinquency, domestic violence, sexual offences and other violent crimes.

The information from this analysis will be used to construct effective measures to also combat larger-scale issues such as migration crime, corruption and drug/firearm crime. While acknowledging the bottlenecks KPCN may face, including lack in capacity and a high turnover in staff which may affect reporting by residents on Saba, KPCN also focuses on increasing transparency, fortifying cooperation and building trust in law enforcement through the sharing of this report. As always, residents play a pivotal role in public order and safety and are encouraged to continue reporting to KPCN.

Island Governor Johnson thanks KPCN for their presentation and looks forward to continuing strengthening collaboration, and maintaining the safety of everyone on Saba.