Public health plays a critical role in the prevention, detection, and management of infectious disease outbreaks to ensure the well-being of the Saban community.


The primary focus areas of Public Health include:
  1. Surveillance and Monitoring - Early detection helps prevent further spread and allows for timely interventions.
    • Active in DuCaPHEN as a network of expertise for surveillance and coordination.  This allows for outbreaks to be tracked, trends to be monitored and data to be collected.
    • Syndromic surveillance systems and collaboration with Saba Cares.
  2. Prevention and education:
    • Campaigns to educate and raise awareness on healthy behaviors and disease prevention measures.
    • Implement the RVP vaccination programs.
    • STI clinic
    • Covid vaccination program
  3. Outbreak investigation to implement control measures and limit spread.  If there is an outbreak, implement additional measures that may be needed such as contact tracing, or quarantine and isolation.
  4. Health Policy and regulations:
    • Food handlers’ safety courses
    • Port of entry preparedness protocols
  5. Emergency Preparedness