Saba Splash the drinking water company officially began its operations in November 2021. This facility was the brainchild of the local government to create the possibility of safe and reliable Bottled drinking water for its population. Since our island poses its own difficulties in having all homes connected to a pipeline grid (like the rest of the world), this option was best suited for us.

Since we are surrounded by seawater, we have always relied on the 2 desalination plants at the Fort Bay Harbor to provide the population with potable R.O. water. One of these providers of desalinated water “Aquasab” is the one that is connected to the feed pipeline that transports this product up the hill to different locations on the island. With the assistance of several booster pump stations (that provide the needed pressure to push the water up the hill at various levels), the water is transported to several holding cisterns that are strategically located and to the Hospital. At the “Lollipops” booster station & and cistern the transport line splits into 2 one that transports the water to the Winward Side parking lot cistern and the other that transports to the Saba Splash cistern. The Booster station at the Windwardside parking lot transports the water through a pipeline that ends at the cistern of the Hells Gate Catholic Church. From this complete transport line, the “Registered” water transporters (Water Truckers) have access to this product for resale at 3 locations, the Bottom Winward side and at the Hells Gate Church. Once the Cistern of the Saba Splash facility is at its capacity the process of creating “Safe reliable & regulated” drinking water can begin.