Beautification of Entrances to Main Government Building, expected by Q1 2025

Within the upcoming months, residents of Saba can look forward to revamped entrances surrounding the Administration Building of the Public Entity Saba, as plans are underway to improve the area. This project aims to enhance the landscape, creating a more inviting atmosphere for everyone: residents, employees and visitors. While the project will be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2025, the first improvements are scheduled to be started before the end of this year.

The improvements will unfold in phases and incorporates beautification of the main pathway, creating an entrance to the area by placing a pergola that will be covered in flowerings creepers, and making the lawn area more accessible by providing a meandering path and shaded benches. There will also be a central space kept open to host events, such as Saba Day. One of the most important aspects of the project will be the planting of trees and vibrant flowers, creating an environment that encourages bees and other insects, which are essential for ecological biodiversity.

Native trees and plants, such as the Black-eyed Susan, were selected to be planted, along with the West Indian almond tree, pink trumpet tree, and various mango trees. These additions will not only enhance the natural beauty of the area but also provide much-needed shade.

A new pond will also be included, with plants to protect fish and a birdbath to attract local wildlife. The additional benches will create a welcoming environment, with larger trees and pergolas providing shade for relaxation and enjoyment throughout the day. Stone paving will be added to the existing pathway to elevate the overall appeal.

With this project, PES aims to create a permanently inviting space for residents not only when visiting the main government building, but also simply to enjoy and meet each other while celebrating nature and promoting biodiversity.

We would be happy to hear your thoughts, support, feedback or any questions and queries you may have.

For more information on this project, please contact us via