Ambassador van Nes met with Island Governor Jonathan Johnson and reflected on the milestones achieved on Saba through the EU’s financial and logistical support, for the realization of various projects. These included the social housing, current and future solar park, and reforestation projects.
Ambassador van Nes also met with representatives of the Community Development and Culture Department, to discuss upcoming proposals. Following this, a meeting was also held with Kai Wulf, Director of Saba Conservation Foundation.
"It is a privilege and a great joy to meet and talk to the proud Sabans. Taking care of their beautiful island and ensuring that the next generation can enjoy it as well is ingrained in the culture. I am proud the EU could make a small contribution to ensuring a good future for Saba," said Mr. van Nes.
We extend our gratitude to Ambassador van Nes for his time and dedication that he has given to the people of Saba and look forward to continuing building strong relationships between Saba and the EU.