Islands Emphasize Need for Genuine Dialogue on WolBES and FinBES Revisions

The delegations from Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba continued their meetings this week in The Hague, following the February 2025 correspondence from the State Secretary regarding proposed amendments to the WolBES and FinBES legislation.

In preparation for this visit, the islands convened during the BES Summit held on Saba in February, where they jointly agreed to submit a formal letter to the State Secretary. This letter expressed concerns about the current process and called for open, inclusive dialogue before proceeding with any legislative changes.

A meeting between the island delegations and the State Secretary, Mr. Z. Szabó, was scheduled for today in response to the formal request. However, on Friday, March 21, the island councils received a follow-up letter from the State Secretary, which reiterated his position and conveyed limited room for further discussion. The letter, which was neither dated nor signed, cited previous conversations with Commissioners and Governors as evidence of prior consultation—an interpretation not shared by the island delegations.

Adding to the concerns, the State Secretary declined the presence of a constitutional law expert accompanying the delegations. The islands were disappointed that legal and constitutional insight was withheld from the delegation.

As an response to this action, a petit committee of island councilmembers delivered a joint statement from the delegation, reaffirming their request for a meaningful consultation process—one that reflects the principles agreed upon during the March 2024 Work Conference. Following this, members of the delegation chose to leave  this short discussion, given the absence of a framework for open dialogue.

The delegations emphasized that the WolBES and FinBES laws form the constitutional backbone of the public entities and should not be amended unilaterally. These laws have a profound impact on governance, legal structure, and daily life on the islands. As such, decisions about their revision should be made with full involvement of the stakeholders they affect.

The islands reiterate that Article 132a of the Dutch Constitution acknowledges their unique status and requires a differentiated approach. A process of this magnitude demands not only legal adherence but also cooperation and mutual trust.

The delegations remain committed to constructive engagement and hope that future steps in this process will reflect the principles of inclusivity, transparency, and good governance.