Public Entity Saba participates in WWF-Earth Hour again

For the second year in a row, the lights of the Public Entity’s government administration building were turned off on Saturday, March 22, at 8:30 PM in observance of WWF-Earth Hour.

In turning off the lights, the Public Entity joined millions of other people, companies and municipalities around the world who were also participating in Earth Hour in acknowledgement of climate change and in taking collective action to address it.

"By turning off our lights for one hour, we are taking a stand for sustainable practices, conserving energy, and showing solidarity with communities around the world who, like Saba, have already begun to feel the impacts of climate change,” said Governor Johnson.

In preparation for the event, the civil servants who work in the government administration building turned off the lights in their respective offices at the end of the work day on Friday. They also powered down their work spaces for the weekend for a greater impact. To complement this initiative of the civil servants, the outside lights of the building were also kept off for the weekend.

Saba Electric Company also participated in WWF-Earth hour by turning off the lights of its main office in The Bottom. SEC also took it a step further by turning off the street lights in the areas of the Fort Bay and Well’s Bay roads and in the Hell’s Gate ghauts. The public was informed of the turning off of the street lights well in advance and were reminded leading up to the event.

While the impact of Saba’s participation in Earth Hour on a global scale is small, it remains a big show of solidarity in acknowledging climate change, in taking accountability for our role in it and in raising awareness on the responsible use of electricity. “The fight against climate change requires action and commitment from every one of us, no matter how big or small the scale. For an island like Saba that is deeply connected to its natural environment, our participation in Earth Hour is not only symbolic, but also a powerful way to show our collective responsibility to protect Saba and ultimately the planet,” concluded Governor Johnson.

Earlier this year, the Public Entity started the process of developing a climate plan and action agenda for Saba with the help of Reimpact Studio.

The plan and agenda will serve as a mechanism to improve Saba’s self-sufficiency by carrying out various actions aimed at adapting to the impacts of climate change. A critical component to the development of this plan and action agenda is the input and participation of Saba’s community. The public will be consulted throughout this process.

For those in the community who also participated in WWF-Earth Hour, the Public Entity would like to commend and thank you for joining this movement and for doing your part for the environment.