During a Hurricane

Hurricane Safety Tips: During the Storm
- As the hurricane approaches, here are essential safety tips to follow:
Power Outage:
- The power will be turned off for safety reasons during the hurricane.
Stay Indoors:
- Remain indoors and stay informed via radio, Facebook (@publicentitysaba), or the internet.
Filming and Photos:
- If you must film or take photos of the storm, do so from indoors. Remember, if the storm seems to calm, it might be the eye of the hurricane passing, and conditions can worsen suddenly.
Do Not Go Outside:
- Do not venture outside until authorities give the all-clear signal.
- If a curfew is established for the period during the hurricane, the Governor will make a statement prior to the storm regarding the timing of the curfew.
Stay Downwind:
- Stay in the downwind side of your home. If the hurricane is hitting the living room windows, go to a room opposite the living room in your house.
Shelter Box:
- Identify your shelter box-- a small, sturdy room in your home (e.g., bathroom, walk-in closet with a small window and a sturdy door).
- Remove all glass items and sharp objects from this room.
- If possible, place a mattress inside for added protection.
- Use this room as refuge if a window shatters or the roof is damaged during the hurricane.
Stay safe and follow these guidelines to protect yourself and your loved ones during the hurricane. Your safety is our priority.